
How Does Identify Fertilizer Damage of Crops?

  Crop will suffer the fertilizer damage in improper conditions, such as excessive application of fertilizer, apply volatile fertilizer under the hot sun, and apply the unfermented organic fertilizer. however, how to identify the fertilizer damage of crops. The characteristics of crop fertilizer damage are mainly as follows:

(1) Dehydration: excessive application of fertilizers or excessive drought of soil will lead to excessive local concentration of soil after fertilization, leading to water loss and wilting of crops.

(2) Burn: under the hot sun and high temperature, apply volatile fertilizers (such as ammonium bicarbonate, etc.), causing the leaves or young tissues of crops to be burned (burning seedlings).

(3) Poisoning: the "biuret" in urea is more than 2%, or the free acid content in calcium superphosphate is more than 5%, which will cause crops poisoning and rot of the root system after being applied into the soil;

(4)  Delay growth: a large amount of unripe organic fertilizer is applied, because it decomposes and heats up and releases harmful gases, such as methane, causing toxicity to crop seeds or roots. 

  So we need to learn the methods to apply the fertilizer, especially for the applications of organic fertilizer and npk compound fertilizer. otherwise, we need to learn how to identify the high-quality organic fertilizer.for example, livestock and poultry manure bio-organic fertilizer after harmless treatment of compost and fermentation, which not only supply crops rich and complete organic nutrients, but also can improve the soil structure.

