Industry Info

Fresh chicken manure to do organic fertilizer must be through the chain compost turning machine fermentation reasons


(1) After the unfermented chicken manure is applied to the field, when the fermentation conditions are available, the raw manure will begin to ferment. If the fermentation part is close to the root and the crop plant is small, the heat generated by fermentation will affect the growth of the crop, and lead to the death of the plant in severe cases.

(2) Chicken manure contains coliform bacteria, nematodes and other germs and pests, direct use of which leads to the spread of diseases and pests, crop disease, and affects human health when consuming agricultural products; When undecomposed organic matter ferments in the soil, it is easy to breed bacteria and pests, and also leads to the occurrence of plant diseases and pests.

(3) Harmful gases such as methane and ammonia are produced during the decomposition process of chicken manure, causing acid damage and root damage to soil and crops.

(4) Organic matter consumes oxygen in the soil during the decomposition process, making the soil temporarily in a state of hypoxia, which will inhibit the growth of crops.

(5) The nutrients in unfermented and decomposed organic fertilizers are mostly organic or slow-acting, which cannot be directly absorbed and utilized by crops, and can only be absorbed and utilized by crops by decomposition and conversion into fast-acting states.

(6) In the off-season of fertilization, no one cares about manure, so they have to let it accumulate, wind and rain, fertilizer loss, and pollution of the environment.

(7) Inconvenient use, low efficiency: untreated chicken manure odor, not easy to transport, large volume, low effective ingredients, high cost of use. The conversion time of organic matter to humus is long, and the nutrient loss is serious.

I believe you have read the above content and realized the importance of the chain compost turning machine for organic fertilizer production line processing chicken manure organic fertilizer.
