Industry Info

Precautions before operation of the organic fertilizer coating machine


1. Check the equipment: check whether the components of the organic fertilizer coating machine are intact, especially the parts in contact with the material, such as bearings, chains, belts, etc.

2. Lubrication maintenance: According to the requirements of the instruction manual, regular lubrication and maintenance of the organic fertilizer coating machine to ensure the normal operation of the organic fertilizer equipment.

3. Clean up debris: Before operation, clean up debris and residue inside the organic fertilizer coating machine to ensure that the machine is clean inside.

4. Adjust the pressure: according to the production needs, adjust the pressure of the organic fertilizer coating machine to ensure that the fertilizer particles can be evenly wrapped during the coating process.

5. Check the power supply: Check whether the power supply line of the organic fertilizer coating machine is intact to ensure that the power supply is safe and reliable.

6. Trial run: Before the organic fertilizer production line officially runs the organic fertilizer coating machine, first conduct a trial run to check whether the machine is running normally and whether there is abnormal sound or vibration.

7. Precautions: The operator needs to be trained and familiar with the operation methods and precautions of the organic fertilizer coating machine, and illegal operations are strictly prohibited. At the same time, pay attention to safety, wear protective equipment, such as gloves, safety shoes, etc.

In short, the organic fertilizer coating machine needs to carefully check the equipment, clean up debris, adjust the pressure, check the power supply, test run and comply with the operating procedures and other precautions before operation to ensure production safety and product quality.
