Industry Info

Organic fertilizer processing equipment solves the problem of manure disposal


For farmers and growers, in addition to worrying about the occurrence of pests and diseases, it is more important to solve the problem of livestock manure and crop straw treatment. If this resource is not properly used, it is not only a stacking problem, but also a threat to people's living and living environment. The effective way is to use the corresponding means for biodegradation. The problem of livestock and poultry manure treatment that worries farmers is easily solved by organic fertilizer equipment. In addition to rich in organic matter and nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other trace elements essential for plants, animal manure also contains various biological enzymes and microorganisms. The organic fertilizer after biological fermentation is processed into commodity organic fertilizer by professional organic fertilizer production line equipment, and the commodity organic fertilizer can be sold with the nearby villagers or the fertilizer Marketing Department in the market to create more economic benefits. Organic fertilizer produced by organic fertilizer processing equipment contains plant growth regulation substances and organic matter and various nutrient elements necessary for growth, which can promote crop growth, and the effect of organic fertilizer is more obvious in the later stage of crop growth. The addition of organic fertilizer promotes the rapid formation of beneficial microbial flora in the soil, and greatly promotes the effective utilization of nutrient elements in the soil.
